Over the summer we had the privilege to 'cut loose' with designer Jeff Garner of the all-sustainable fashion lifestyle brand, Prophetik in his hometown of Franklin, Tennessee. Eco-passion and dedication aside, boy does he have an eye for style!
Of the many projects and shows he has brewing at the moment (did I mention he will be opening London Fashion Week for the second time at Vauxhall Fashion Scout on September 17th?!!), he also just wrapped up shooting a short documentary about his label and what exactly goes on behind the scenes.....here's an insightful preview from the upcoming documentary.
Prophetik from Joshua Stutzman on Vimeo.
Whoa. On my flight to LA, this women sat in the seat next to me and started talking to me about her son whom she is visiting in LA. She tells me he just finished making this documentary for Prophetik. And I get really interested and tell her that Prophetik is a green designer and we carry his clothes at Connect. So she goes on to tell me the whole story about how her son got the job and how he met his wife and so on. I thought that alone was a cool coincidence...
that's insane! Small small world.....these things can't be coincidence- mean't to happen for a reason I suppose. Have a fab trip! Don't forget to take pictures! ;)
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